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Sunday, 24 May 2020

Alisa and Lysandra al.ive body range: INTERVIEW

Can you count how many seasons of 'The Block' have been broadcast so far on Australian TV?

We've lost count, but even as a dip in 'n' out kind reno show watcher, I do recall some standout, familiar faces from the reality TV show, and at the forefront are these familiar faces who have continued to be a total tour de force in the design and development industries...

Alisa and Lysandra (do they even need a surname? It's Fraser, BTW) are the twin sister duo you're likely to remember the most of all from the hit Channel 9 TV show, and these ladies have been busy bees, launching a product they could not have dreamt to be more apt in these times of the global pandemic... you know the one: coronavirus or Covid-19 ("rona" if you're an Aussie).

They chatted with Josie's Juice about their new al.ive body range and what it means to get this love project - with a huge side of generosity - off the ground.

We kick off the a good natured laugh about the timing of a soap product i
n the midst of a global spotlight on keeping hands clean.

"Why has it taken a pandemic to wash hands!" they laugh.

YES! Please tell me you are washing hands ANYWAY: when you get home from an outing, after going to the toilet, before you prepare food, after you sneeze... c'mon folks, I know I am a bit (a lot) OCD, but don't be a grub when it comes to hygiene. So glad I can legit now say this without being offensive...

The famous twins reveal how al.ive kicked off, and like any good prod launch story, they fulfilled a need they had for themselves.

"How it all came about was that we were styling our house after having done a development a few years ago in Albert Park (VIC), and we were finishing our redevelopment, and we needed to style our bathrooms. And I reckon we went out looking for a day... we wanted something that was unique and a little bit different and we just couldn't find it," says Alisa.

"And that's where the idea was born," adds Lysandra, who reveals the line was actually 18 months in development.

"We knew we wanted to be able to give back in some way. We've always had a love for nature, it's where our hearts are."

"And we thought what a better way to do that than to plant trees, especially with all that has happened with the emissions and green house gases, and obviously the bushfires as well... but this was planned well before the bushfires, and obviously reforestation and planing trees is even more important now," says Alisa.

"We came up with the name 'al.ive' as a play on our our initials (the 'A' in Alisa and the 'L' in Lysandra) to help keep the planet alive.

"The consciousness behind the brand was really important to us, and we launched a month ago, and so far we are up to 1900 trees (at the time of this interview)."

"We want to get to the point where we can plant an entire 'al.ive forest'," they reveal. HOW AWESOME IS THAT!

In fact, a key part of the al.ive body business model is that for every purchase made, one tree will be planted in Australia - they spent a lot of time researching organisations that align with their values, and proudly partnered with One Tree Planted.

One Tree Planted is an environmental charity whose mission is to create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity and help reforestation efforts around the world. Most importantly, in response to the recent bushfire crisis in Australia, they have initiated plans for enhanced projects in Australia to aid reforestation, which was ultimately the reason the sisters chose to align with them. 

"It was really important to us that it was done in Australia as well. Our focus was always Australia, especially given the bushfires," they add.

The sisters are based in Adelaide, and the range is formulated in Melbourne, so it's completely an Australian love project.

Both ladies have kids, and I ask what they think of what their mums are up to?

"They just wish that we weren't so busy!" they add with a laugh. "My son tells me: "Mum, I'm not saying you shouldn't work... but does this mean you will be less busy now?"

Both roar with laugh knowingly, completely aware that is far from the truth.

The line is ripe for brand extensions, I suggest. So, what are they cooking up right now?

"We are definitely working on more products," they reveal, which is a bit of a scoop seeing as plans are certainly in the works, but they're firmly focusing on phase one right now.

So far, stockists of the new al.ive body range are in bespoke style stores around Australia, and the duo couldn't be happier.

"Yes, we've been really blown away by that actually, having only just launched... we have over 40 stockists, and really good quality ones too."

See the stockists RIGHT HERE.

You can buy al.ive products online on their site, or at the stores stocking them, and some of their stockists also have their online stores, so it's super easy.

Alisa and Lysandra finished up on 'The Block' SEVEN years ago. The identical twins won 'The Block: Sky High' in 2013, then made a successful return on 'The Block: Fans vs Faves' in 2014.

I ask what has lit them up the most since leaving the show.

"We actually have not stopped since leaving the show," they laugh.

"We feel like we have been put in the washing machine, and... well, we have't been spat out yet", says Alisa.

"Yeah, I feel like we have definitely found our calling [with the new al.live line] and we just ran with it, and we didn't even know we had a flair for it. We took the leap!" adds Lysandra.

"I think the biggest thing is I think people might think you go on a result TV show and it all kind of of falls in your lap. But I think what a lot of people don't realise is all the hard work that goes in behind the scenes.

"So many people get the opportunity to go on a reality TV show, but it's what you do with that when the cameras stop rolling, that's when the hard work really begins, and I think that's probably the difference between success and not fulfilling what you set out to do," says Alisa.

"Yep... we haven't stopped. It's [the show] is a platform... that's what it is.

"Now have something that we didn't realise we really wanted," adds Lysandra.

Yeah sure... you can revert back to a bar of soap... but if you're a constant hand washer (hello! And now you should be anyway) it's just so much neater and kids don't make that mess with soap shavings around the sink, ugh.

"We didn't reinvent the wheel, we just did it better!" says Alisa. I LOVE THIS STATEMENT!

"Yes, who would've thought that soap could be as important as it suddenly is now!" adds Lysandra.

"It's perfect for kids too, and our kids are washing their hands even more!"

The range includes naturally derived hand and body wash and a hand and body lotion, in a choice of three luxe scents: kaffir lime and green tea; fig, apricot and sage; and coconut and wild orange.

It's proudly Australian-made and developed, using the finest ingredients including essential oils and native botanical extracts,  and are 100 per cent vegan, palm-oil free and are not tested on animals.

The brand name was also inspired by the sisters’ passion for environmental causes and keeping the planet ‘alive'.

The range, which features stylish bottles custom-designed by Alisa and Lysandra in three on-trend colours - the terracotta coloured range are now firmly in my bathroom.

al.ive body is therefore aimed at the style and sustainability conscious consumer who values design and seeks out high product integrity in a beautifully balanced way. In this era, purpose-led brands that help strengthen our sense of self and our contribution to the planet are in big demand," they say.

The al.ive body collection:

  • The Wash $38
  • The Lotion $42
  • The Duo with Tray (in gift box) $79

For more information visit www.alivebody.com.au