GUEST BLOGGER: ADAM CUBITO Adam Cubito, the National Online Content Editor for [my absolute fave radio hosts right now - they are on weekdays on NovaFM, 4-7pm]
Fitzy & Wippa on NovaFM is in London right now to cover the royal wedding.
So, I asked him to whip up a blog post. In between designing this impressive baby
www.novafm.com.au/royaladventure, shopping up a storm at TopMan and River Island, hanging with an Aussie-born Prince William look-a-like, and indulging in a McDonald's Cadbury Creme Egg McFlurry or two (what? Yum!), Adam gives his right-in-the-thick-of-it report on all things royal! Enjoy...
[Oh, he is also designer of my fab new
Josie's Juice logo - campione:
It's A Nice Day For A Royal Wedding, by Adam CubitoThis post comes to you from a hotel room in London, England. I'm looking out of my window and can see nothing but ancient buildings for miles and enough British flags up and soaring, the sky is almost red and blue - you'd think there's a royal wedding going on or something.
When I was first told by work that I'd be heading to London - one of my favourite cities - I was elated. Almost instantly I began to think about the ways I could strategically pack my suitcase so that I'd have enough space to fit in a couple of hundred commemorative plates, mugs and tea towels. After I had planned that, it dawned on me, I'd be part of a radio team - with Fitzy & Wippa from Nova - in another country, getting up to mischief and technically it's all considered work. Amazing.
We landed in Heathrow after a bleary long flight from Sydney on Saturday morning and almost instantly hit the ground running. A quick shop on Oxford Circus with the boys saw me walk away £600 in debt - but boy did I walk away in some nice new shoes. We then were lucky enough to be given tickets to a real football match - Chelsea vs. West Ham over in Fulham. The crowd were, as expected, typically British, but what amazed me were the rows and rows of police and the pubs with signs that warned of violence. I was oblivious to it any danger but worse, I just couldn't get
The Bill theme song out of my head.
The next day prep began for a series of fun segments we had planned for the show. I wont go into a massive amount of detail but it involved adult-size cakes, Union Jack g-strings, dressing a 6ft 7" man as a bunch of flowers, pretending to be couriers and security guards. I also had the pleasure of hanging out around London with the #1 Prince William impersonator - Simon Watkinson - who grew up in Adelaide and now makes an absolute mint by pretending to be a prince. Insane.
I've accompanied the boys while they interviewed the stunning Jennifer Hudson - who herself is soon to be married - and she spoke to me about the amount of Twitter followers I have. It was then that I had to sit there and think - wow, am I really on the other side of the world having a conversation with Jennifer Hudson about the amount of Twitter followers I have? I had to pinch myself. She promised she'd follow me, but I've yet to see her name pop up in my email - don't keep me waiting Jen.
We then moved on to have High Tea with PM Julia Gillard in her hotel in London - again one of those moments where I did a double-take while I watched our PM gnaw on a scone. Love her or hate her, the woman rocked a (semi-shapeless) power suit and was very down-to-earth.
I'm looking out my window again - it's amazing to see how many people are here and supporting the Royal Wedding. There's William and Kate displays in almost every shop window, enough bizarre commemorative merchandise every few meters it's almost laughable and - although cliched - the atmosphere really is electric. There's no other way to describe it. London is on show, there's smiles on faces, flags waving in the air and a whole bunch of nutters camping out around Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey to show their love.
Even if you're not a fan of the Royal family (and there are plenty of Londoners and Aussies alike who aren't) you can't deny that it's pretty amazing that the union of two people can instill so much pride and excitement in so many. Plus, really, the world can never have enough novelty tea towels.
It's been an amazing week and even as the big day comes and goes, it'll be pretty awesome to have felt like I was somehow a very small part of the whole thing. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to pour my pint into my Kate Loves Will mug - it was only £2 - bargain. Cheers.
Adam Cubito is National Online Content Editor for Fitzy & Wippa at Nova FM. You can check out all the vids and pics from the adventures Adam has described above at www.novafm.com.au/royaladventure