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Saturday, 5 December 2020

Vuly Play: REVIEW

Kids never stop wanting to have fun. No matter if they're on the cusp of teenage-hood - get them on a swing and watch them spin, daydream, and just relaaax.

Now, I'm going to preach to you about the perils of excessive screen time. You know the drill, and so do I.

And as a mamma of 12 year old twins who are on devices a fair amount, I feel like a superhero when I wrangle the electronics and GET THEM OUTSIDE.

We had a hand me down swing set which had kinda had its day, kinda lifted up on the ends when used, and kinda needed an upgrade.

We are lucky Sydney folk who bought a house in the 'burbs and therefore have the space to have a swing set, a trampoline, a granny flat, a cubby house, and a pool (not bragging, super grateful, and the hubby and I bought this space pre kids).

Vuly Play is a brand I have been curious about for some time - but with a pretty full backyard with all the accoutrements, we didn't give it much thought.

When the offer came to trial a set, we jumped at it. Well, I did. Le Husband simply got the measuring tape out and thought about the logistics. I am glad he is the practical one because I'm not gonna lie - you need that skill in spades (plus a big dash of patience) when you commit to buying a Vuly swing set.

Don't worry - it's absolutely worth it in the end!

The choosing process itself is super easy - simply jump online and browse the options.

The only hard part is choosing which three attachments you'll get on your ports. Or of course go the even larger set where you get to put attachments on the outside of the frame, even one with a cubby house! Super cool and imagine how much your kids will have and the memories they’ll make.

The FANTASTIC thing is: the options for your swing set are SO easy to interchange, you may as well get several attachments you like and chop and change as you go.

Trust me, I don't like relying on anyone when it comes to doing things when the kids want to play, so the capability to interchange the attachments is very appealing to me.

The flat bed attachment was also a no brainer for me.

It was reminiscent of a flat bed swing at my son's special needs one on one sessions he'd have at Learning Links with his Occupational Therapist, where sensory needs were met by the sensation of the swing.

Delving deeper, a swing set in general - and anything with jumping, spinning, swinging, and rocking - are motions that all work to help regulate the vestibular system in our bodies.

For kids with autism, swinging can impact the brain’s ability to process sensory information, which assists in the early stages of brain development.

Swinging has the potential to strengthen specific sensory experiences for a child with autism.

Sensory movements are described as touch, motion, bodily awareness, sight, sound, and the natural pull of gravity. As kids swing, they're able to process these sensory movements which work in conjunction with therapy solutions.

Swinging movements can help kids with special needs relax, ease their anxiety, and calm their minds. These types of therapy solutions can also assist at the times kids with autism feel upset.

Swinging also can help kids with special needs combat their difficulties with balance and coordination. The simple act of enjoying swinging into their daily routine can help the development of their gross motor skills and muscles. The more swinging is practiced, the more balance and coordination can be achieved.

THIS is the set we chose, the 360 Pro Max!

And you can see that and the whole range right here:

And here are some photos of handy husband putting it all together.

All the pieces are delivered in separate boxes, then my advice is call a mate or enlist yourself/your partner to put it together as a team,

Instructions are included, and we also found that Vuly YouTube how to videos are very helpful.

Simply go to YouTube and look up Vuly Play and all the videos are there.

Here are some snaps of the process:

And voila!

For more info and pricing:


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