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Thursday, 26 January 2017

'Married At First Sight' 2017: First Episode VIDEO + Trailers

'Married At First Sight' for 2017 promises to be a cracker.

And: you can watch the first episode right now.

CLICK HERE for the whole first episode - but only available to view for a limited time.

This is series number four, and the ads have been on loop on Channel 9 ahead of the season premiere on Monday January 30.

This season, the show promises to be bigger than ever, with 20 singles searching for love and getting hitched to total strangers. The participants will also all live in the same apartment block and attend weekly dinner parties to really up the drama.

As usual, the cast of characters (and they really are handpicked and cast so well) include Michael the stripper, the "pickiest man" in Australia, a set of gorgeous twins who want a joint wedding, and the much-hyped "runaway bride".

If you're one of those people that actually don't want a surprise spoiled, here are some teaser clips, below.

'Married At First Sight' starts on Monday January 30, then continues on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the same screening days each week.

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