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Thursday, 16 March 2017

Melissa George Interview: 'Sunday Night' VIDEO

Melissa George is set to break her silence over her broken relationship and her attempt to escape France, the country she has been living in for the past few years, with her young children.

After revelations published exclusively by News Corp, Channel 7’s 'Sunday Night' program will feature the actress in an interview, a “tell all” about allegedly being trapped in Paris.

The promo posted to social media carry the claims: “She has been assaulted, hospitalised, threatened with kidnapping charges and forced to abandon her career.”
Melissa says: “I’ve been hit, I’ve been in a fight, I’ve got my babies”.
Here is a photo posted on the Instagram page of the interviewer for this story on Melissa, Steve Pennells:
'Sunday Night' will screen this Sunday at 8.30pm

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