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Tuesday, 6 July 2010

BLOGGING - my first time

So. I have been toying with the idea of a blog for a while now. A long while. Two years, in fact. That was when my twins were a few months old. "Write a blog! Record everything!"

That's what friends told me to do. So I did. Well, I got to set up a page, perhaps write a hurried blog. Then nothing. I was too busy getting my boobs out, you see.

For breastfeeding! Sheesh... where is your mind already?

Anyways, fast forward another year...and no blog yet.

No. I am too busy writing freelance stories for inspiring magazines, and subbing corporate brochures, and blogging for a parenting mag... and Facebooking like it's going out of fashion. Oh yes. Facebook. My pseudo-pal when the twins are napping or when I can't stand to look at the first draft of a story for another second.

I have so much to say. Apparently!

So, instead of driving my Facebook pals a little nuts (and truthfully, I have been wanting to do this for ages) here is my blog. Just for you. And, well...for me.

Remember: it's just an opinion! Often an informed one, sometimes a little scattered... but (almost) always intended to be light and fun. Enjoy!


  1. love it! :) love ur humour josie. makes me laugh. keep blogging! will be checking in for updates! XXX

  2. So happy it's up! I know that motherhood sometimes slows us down but I guess that time in our lives is really the time to put our brakes on - for a while! You give me faith (and laughs) that we can do anything!! I'll remember that when I am distracted by life (kids)and trying to get my own project finished....can't see that light in the tunnel yet!!
