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Friday, 25 July 2014

How Sylvia Jeffreys wakes up with 'Today': VIDEO

I love this.

Have you ever wondered what breakfast TV hosts get up to EVERY single weekday (or weekend, for the Saturday/Sunday brekkie shows) before they front the show? And how the hell they do that 3am-ish start? And look decent?

I always love watching the Today show I've recorded and seeing slightly sheepish eyes when they kick off at 5.30am, which widen with each half hour. They look polished and are fantastically alert at 5.30am! But there are some things good makeup just can't hide… a face that says: "I wanted a sleep in today, argh!" 

This is what they do, what Sylvia Jeffreys does when she fronts the Channel Nine studio so early in the AM.

Watch Today show weekdays from 5.30am and weekends from 7.00am on Channel 9.

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