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Friday, 1 April 2011

Who Magazine: April 11, 2011 - Half My Size

Who magazine could roll out a "Half My Size" issue every week and I'd still gladly buy it... oh wait, I take out three year subscriptions at a time...

This week, you'll read about trainer to the stars Tracy Anderson on how she is whipping yet another celebrity bride-to-be into tip-top shape with her dance aerobics workouts.

Plus, there's my fave part: those before and after shots (y' know: "Oh my gosh she was how big?" to "she had those killers leg buried for so long!").

I am not a fan of those who go too far, but here are mostly examples of women who are a size which now suits them - and looks healthy.

Read about how the A-listers "snack trick" and a get the low down on a chart-topper’s “green smoothie”. There's also a beautiful photo and story special on Elizabeth Taylor - Who looks at a life of diamonds, drink, diets, husbands, heartbreak, illness, big budgets, bigger egos and Oscars.

Who magazine is on-sale now.

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