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Monday, 6 June 2011

Breaking Dawn - Part 1 trailer. Watch it here and on MTV Awards today

Are you ready?

Here is the official trailer for Breaking Dawn, Part 1.

You will see:

- Bella's wedding dress (and hint of a belly)

- Edward's hotness (especially in a wedding suit)

- Jacob's bare chest (again)

The trailer will have its official premiere at the MTV Movie Awards today, screened in Australia at 4pm today (channel 124, on the 'Entertainment' menu, not the 'Music' menu).

Are you excited?

While I am not one of those huge fans of the movies/books, I will allow myself to be swept up in the hype by seeing the highly anticipated flick with someone who is.

The movie open in Australia on November 17 - one day before the rest of the world!

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