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Friday 17 June 2011

Playboy July 2011 - Crystal labelled "Runaway Bride"

Don't cry for Hugh Hefner - he may not be able to stop those pesky long lead presses from rolling out the cover of the Playboy July issue (featuring the new "Mrs Crystal Hefner" - awkward!) but he can order a huge sticker with "Runaway Bride" to be slapped on her bits.

"Recent events call for a special sticker on the July cover," Hugh Hef tweeted on Wednesday, with a picture. "Look for it on newsstands."

Crystal Harris packed her pink trackies and ditched Hefner only days before their wedding, which had been planned for this Saturday.

Crystal spoke with Ryan Seacrest on his US radio show on Wednesday, to give her side of the story. According to her, it was a mutual decision not to get married.

"For a while I've been having second thoughts about everything," said the 25 year old. (And yep, he's 85. Eighty-five!)

"I haven't really been at peace with myself lately. I didn't think it was really fair to him."

She added: "Multiple girls all around, it's not the lifestyle I wanted," she told Seacrest.

Later, Hef weighed in: "Crystal did an interview... to explain everything, but I still don't have a clue," he said via Twitter, adding, "I didn't see any of this coming, but I'm glad things went wrong before the marriage instead of after. Live & learn."

Oh dear, Crystal. If this 'multiple girls' thing bothered you before, why oh why would you accept a ring in the first place?

PS: what on earth is he going to do with all that food for the party? Have a big bash anyways, ol' Hef... (I give him two weeks tops to be seen with another blonde).

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