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Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Queensland Association of Healthy Communities ad to be taken down. Now THAT'S offensive

Have you heard about his story, hitting the news today?

This poster, featuring a gay couple in a loving embrace, one clutching a condom, is this evening being pulled down by Adshel, the company that distribute the ads to bus shelters across Brisbane, without the consent of Queensland Association of Healthy Communities (QAHC), due to Wendy Francis and The Australian Christian Lobby Group.

Really, people?

Two people in love is offensive?

A safe sex message is offensive?

The two guys - actually a real life couple - have started a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=123532344395752

Here is what they say:

In 2011 my partner and I were selected to appear in an advertisement for QAHC (Queensland Association of Healthy Communities – www.qahc.org.au). The picture you see on this event is the final product. The aim of this campaign is to promote safe sex for gay men, but also for the wider community. We also felt that this campaign and the exposure these advertisements granted would help gain a wider level of acceptance of the gay community. The image displays not only love and tenderness; you can clearly see our engagement ring and the Christian cross which Anthony wears around his neck. We are real people, and this campaign is about real people. We have been together for six and a half years, we've been engaged since August last year, and just last week we were approved to become foster parents, which will now be happening very soon. We are real people, with a real life, in real love.

This evening, Adshel, the company that distributed our ads to bus shelters across Brisbane, have WITHOUT the consent of QAHC, removed all of our advertisements. This has been due to Wendy Francis and The Australian Christian Lobby Group. Adshel has bowed to BLATANT homophobia and in 2011 there is NO PLACE FOR THIS. To read the complaints, visit: http://www.qahc.org.au/files/shared/docs/ASB_-_complaints.pdf

We are asking everyone to help us take a stand and contact Adshel and demand that the adverts be put back up in their original locations.

Phone: (07) 3250 8200
Fax: (07) 3257 7776
Email: via website http://www.adshel.com.au/who/contact
Write: Suite 19 Plumridge House, 36 Agnes St Fortitude Valley Q 4006

Please invite EVERYONE you know to this event. If you want to go further, please save our image and upload it as your profile picture so when people ask what it's about you can spread the word of this cause. If you want to go further still, please print the poster out and post them wherever we can in public spaces.

What we need from you at least though, is for you to show your support by choosing ‘YES’ when you RSVP to this event. Please spread this message as much as you can, this means something to us: it's about equality, and it’s about standing up against homophobia and so much more.

Please find below QAHC’s detailed response to complaints from the Rip & Roll campaign: http://www.qahc.org.au/files/shared/docs/Rip___Roll_Complaints_Response.pdf

To read more about this, go here:


It's 2011, people - wake up!

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