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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Britex: porn for your home

What do you think of this ad?

Is it a tad OTT?

Is the 1970s porn reference just a little... too much?

I first spotted this ad a few days ago, while on was on the phone, with the TV on mute. My jaw was... down here. I watched it again and was just... slightly weirded out.

Prudish? Me? Never! But just... ugh.

It IS very clever, though. I have indeed read all the studies and surveys and heard the anecdotes which say that seeing your man clean is a total aphrodisiac. Anyone who knows the husb and I knows that this kinda action happens nightly 'round here. I am not talking the porno music and bad clothes and no-storyline-crazy-sex-role-playing (well... ahem) but the obsessive cleaning and house-must-be-spotless. His thing. Not mine.

So, is it a turn-on? Well...

This TV ad is one in a series of 'Steam Up Your Carpet' from DIY steam cleaning company Britex, who have been hiring out steam cleaners at your local Woolies for yonks.

There's also this one:

This one:

And this one:

And lastly this one:

Thoughts? Does it, er, get you going...?

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