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Monday, 18 July 2011

Mila Kunis: GQ, August 2011

Mila Kunis is the August 2011 US GQ magazine covergirl - and is shot by controversial photog Terry Richardson.

Here is an excerpt of her interview with the mag:

GQ: Your new movie is called Friends with Benefits. Ever been in one of those relationships?

Mila Kunis: Oy. I haven't, but I can give you my stance on it: It's like communism—good in theory, in execution it fails. Friends of mine have done it, and it never ends well. Why do people put themselves through that torture?

GQ: Who's the funniest person you know?

Mila Kunis: My father. He has such a dry sense of humor. He'd say something funny and then be like, "Kiddo, now's the part where you laugh."

GQ: What about someone you're not related to?

Mila Kunis: Lucille Ball is perfection—her timing and her commitment. Sarah Silverman is raunchy and brilliant, and people call her out for saying fucked-up stuff­ that they wouldn't have a problem with a man saying. How dare she? Who else? Tina Fey. She's a genius. I actually just finished reading Bossypants.

To read more of the interview, go here:


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