The attendance numbers for the Maxim Australia magazine launch party - held on Tuesday July 20 - was testament to how well known the international brand is. And how Sydney folk will brave torrential rain and strong winds to attend an event with clout.
In fact, the Australian edition of Maxim is the 25th edition of the magazine, globally.
Says editor Santi Pintado in his editor's note: "Maxim arrives to serve your every want and need. Our mission is to make you laugh, make you think and make you fall in love with God's greatest creation - women."
There was plenty of that kinda eye candy on the evening of the launch event: Nikki Phillips, Jesinta Campbell, Bella Serventi, and the mag's own gorgeous fashion editor Livia Tassanyi.
With plenty of booze flowing throughout the night (the Maxim Russian Standard Red Devil custom created cocktail – a combination of Russian Standard Gold and raspberry gelato, garnished with ruby red craisins cocktail, complete with its the Maxim devil's horn-topped swizzle stick) plus Canadian Club & Dry, Pure Blonde, Two Italian Boys, POM Wonderful and Red Bull.
The delish canapes came from Toast Events, and the event was MC-ed by Andrew Voss, while DJ duo The Faders and Australian singer Zoe Badwi kept the crowd entertained with their performances throughout the night. The Polite In Public photobooth was also on hand for guests, who wore angel and devil themed props, taking home snaps from the evening.
On my way home, I snuck a peek into my goodie bag and as I had a quick flick through the launch issue of Maxim (there is MUCH to read, peeps - the column by Chris Lilley and the one by Kyle Sandilands were very entertaining reads) I was thrilled to see Josie's Juice fave men's undie brand Sly Underwear in the Maxim Top 10. Winning!

For more, see: www.maxim.com.au
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