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Monday 8 August 2011

Australia's Next Top Model - Cycle 7 - Premieres Tonight

Australia's Next Top Model is back - tonight!

Fans of this show have the IQ set and are rejoicing.

The rest don't know what the fuss is about.

The teaser promo is fab, and you've probably already seen it (it's below).

BUT, you must watch this first:

Hooked? I am.

Here's the teaser promo:

True fans will certainly know what went down at last year's finale (talk about a model muddle... poor Sarah Murdoch):

Looks like she's ready to move on from the debacle (although still decidedly mortified at the bungle, judging by her Today Show interview this AM):


Really wanna brush up? Read about it all in these links:


Want more? Head here:


So, claws sharpened? I think yes.

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