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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Sponsored by Nuffnang: The Help - film review, plus ticket and book giveaway

Sponsored by Nuffnang

Sensational bestseller, 'The Help', has quite the following - thanks in part to one Ms Oprah Winfrey. Already a fave amongst avid readers, the Big O elevated the book to must-read status the moment she recommended it to her squillions of global viewers in her famed 'book club.'

While the film is not based on a true story, it is most certainly inspired by events of the time. Set in Mississippi during the 1960s, Skeeter (played by Emma Stone, with Oscar talk already buzzing) is a young woman who returns from college determined to be a "writer, or novelist, or both". She does get her wish, but turns her friends' lives upside down - and most of the community - in the process.

Skeeter makes a decision to interview the African American women whose job it is to look after the well-off Southern families - she herself grew up being cared for by 'the help'. Enter Aibileen (played by the sensational Viola Davis), who is Skeeter's friend's housekeeper. She is the first to open up about what happens behind the closed doors of well-to-do families, many of which treat their hired help like, well, crap. And 'crap' ends up becoming quite the motif in the movie... as does food for that matter.

Watching Southern fried chicken being cooked and chocolate pies being whipped up (with a secret ingredient or two) made me crave good-but-bad American food.

Risking her own friendships, Skeeter continues to meet with Aibileen and starts to keep a record of the incredible stories she tells, and soon more women come forward to tell their own stories.

Not surprisingly, unlikely friendships defying the classist and racial norms of the time are forged and new boundaries of what's acceptable behaviour towards hired help are established. The way the relationship between Skeeter and her mother (played by the inimitable Allison Janney) evolves is also heartwarming. Many poignant moments are played out, and for me, the ones that evoked tears were about pregnancy, babies, children, life, and loss.

And the line of the movie, uttered by Aibileen, to her young charge ("You is kind, you is smart, you is important") is one many will repeat to their own children.

Josie's Juice has three double passes to give away to see the movie, as well as three copies of the novel 'The Help'. All you need to do to be in the running to win a double pass and a copy of the book is tell us about a moment you stood up for something you believed in. Write your answer in the comments section just below.

Competition closes Friday September 9, 2011.

The Help is in cinemas now.

Watch the fabulous trailer here:

For Terms & Conditions, go here: http://www.nuffnang.com.au/terms-conditions-for-the-help-giveaway/


  1. I always stand up for what I believe in, unless my feet hurt - then I yell really loud!!

  2. I always stand up for my own life - whether it be justifying living with a bf before marriage, spending money on travelling etc. People always tell me what to do, but i'm an adult and i always know what's best for me, not others.

  3. I was brought up to always speak my mind, as well as stand up for myself & what I believe in. I am a huge champion of the under dog & I don't suffer fools lightly. So after many years of working in a Senior role in a Corporate/TV environment it gave me great satisfaction the day that I suddenly packed my bag, walked upstairs to HR, told them I knew exactly what them (and a zillion organisations like them were doing)& spent the following 5 months (unpaid) in litigation fighting not only for my rights, but also for the rights for others who are not in the position I was in to be able to stand up to the bullies in the corporate world. Everyday I look back & think I wouldn't have done a single thing differently....I hold my head high with ethics & integrity, which is a lot more than what most people can say!

  4. I am pleased to say that I stand up when people litter. It is quite common for me to tell cigarette smokers that they are littering when they butt out there smokes. I have made grown men pick them up. Bev

  5. Either when I have the kids at the football and people around us are swearing profusely I will always ask them to stop swearing as there are children present who do not need to hear their swearing. I also regularly encourage adults and children to stand up for those around them being bullied - instead of remaining stum be the voice that makes the difference. Without our voices they are without a voice.

  6. Sometimes people mistakenly think I am arrogant and a tad rude - truth is, I am very shy and often feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations. I stand up for myself by not being someone who is not authentic.
    By Fifi x
