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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The One That Got Away - do you have one?

The one that got away - do you have one of those?

The one you secretly wish you'd married, the one you dated and loved and imagined a life with, then... kaput. Finished.

And your lives carried on, and you married other people... but you never, ever forgot them.

Or are you someone's 'one who got away', the one they pined for, before they eventually gave you up, had to let you go...

Watch Katy Perry's new clip of the same name.

Released a few days ago and already garnering over 8 million hits, it's a song - and theme - which truly resonates. Although in Katy's case, it has a tragic twist.



  1. We ALL have one of those...the difference is not everyone will admit it to it. This is one of our fave topics at "Wives night out" AND some of us have more than one "what ifs", as us gals like to refer to them. I recently had someone I had no idea was even remotely interested in me (way back when)tell me that I'd been under his skin since he introduced me to his high school buddy who I ended up marrying (& divorcing). If I had to do it all again? Hmmm...defintely never would've married Hubs #1 (I know harsh, but a fact) & although I adore Hubs #2 more than I thought was ever possible I would've loved to, at the very least, had a "pash & dash" with Mr. 22 years ago that has me under his skin many moons ago...it's really kinda nice to know that someone still thinks about you after all these years...it was certainly thought provoking!

  2. Oh, Karen... this is all so true. I think we definitely all have one, but yes, often refuse to admit it - especially to current partners. Thing is, perspective and time is a wonderful thing. It allows for reflection and clarity. The man I woulda married in my early 20s is vastly different from the one I did marry in the 30s.

    Also interesting is what you say about YOU being the one who got away. It is indeed flattering to be THAT person. At least he admitted he pined for you... imagine all those who don't.

    The whole concept is thought-provoking to say the least... and indeed worth a few laughs on girlfriend get togethers... x

  3. His name was Ben Williams. i was 26 and 20

    Had the best few moths together...thinking i had found someone that i could just be myself with. I know what youre thinking - ONLY a few months. but the connections and chemistry was there.

    but its the little things like i remember waking up with him in my arms one sunday morning and i have never felt so secure and in the right place of my life.

    But listening to bad influncenes in my life, i left him on a stupid whim and have regreated it since.

    hes turned into an amazing person now...

    i still see him around now - But he will always be the one that got away!
