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Thursday, 10 November 2011

Sally Obermeder diagnosed with breast cancer

If you want to talk about the dizzy heights of motherhood, then immediately switch to the very depths of utter sadness, this story will do that.

I am still reeling from it: my beautiful friend Sally Obermeder has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Sally is the national fashion and lifestyle reporter for 'Today Tonight' and had her first baby - much-loved and wanted after seven years of trying for a bub and one round of IVF - a few weeks ago.

What nobody knew until now was that in the midst of receiving well wishes for the birth of her beautiful baby girl Annabelle she was already days into getting the worst news of her life.

She was in stage three of breast cancer, and starting the fight of her life.

You can see the whole clip here:

My thoughts and prayers are with Sal. You are so loved and admired, a person who is as utterly gorgeous inside, as out.

I know just how much you and Marcus wanted this precious baby, and now to be dealt this... the epitome of unfair.

Here is a clip of the lovely Sally in one of her many interviews:

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