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Saturday, 12 March 2011

NineToFive Magazine Website Edition: Breaking News!

In news just in, NineToFive magazine will announce on Monday that the website edition of the magazine will live on.

While the final print version of the magazine will hit the streets this Monday March 14, 2011, the strong online presence of the brand - at http://www.ninetofive.com.au/ - will ensure the magazine will not be gone, nor forgotten.

Matt Young (pictured above), features journalist at NineToFive magazine for the past year - and part of the NineToFive team for the past four years - will be the new website editor of the re-vamped online version of the hugely popular magazine.

"The NineToFive website will be reformatted to include even more exciting content, and new elements will be added, plus an even bigger focus on the Sydney scene," says Matt.

"The NineToFive Facebook page will remain open [to date it has almost 3,000 fans] and there will be a renewed focus on social networking sites," adds Matt.

Passionate reader feedback has led to the decision to keep the strong brand alive - after all, it has been 22 years in the making. With digital media sites now thriving, and special editions of magazines being published as a result of a successful online platform, not the other way around (http://www.primped.com.au/ is a perfect example), this seems a logical way to go for the NineToFive brand.

Interestingly, the decision to keep the brand alive came to a head yesterday, and last minute changes to pages of the print version were made to reflect this eleventh hour development.

Editor of the print edition of NineToFive Abi Weeks is said to be overseeing the online version, with Matt Young website editor.

Insiders reveal that ad dollars weren't the issue with the folding of the hard copy magazine. In fact, advertisers were said to be very much saddened by the news, with some already planning big campaigns in the mag.

The last issue of the magazine went to press on Friday, and will hit Sydney streets as per usual on Monday. It will feature a story on fashion bloggers, including Matthew Jordan - the man behind popular blogs http://www.styletyrant.com/ and http://www.imelda.com.au/.

The collector's edition will also feature a retrospective of past NineToFive magazine covers, as well as a slew of celebs including fashion designers Alex Perry and Rachel Gilbert giving their farewell messages to the print version of the magazine.

So, while Monday means saying goodbye to the print edition, it heralds a new direction and an even stronger online presence for the much-loved magazine.

Which turns this into a rare, good news publishing story!

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