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Thursday, 10 March 2011

Jennifer Aniston kicks Brad Wollack in the groin for Smart Water. SCOOP: Brad tells all

Have you seen the new Smart Water ad yet, featuring Jennifer Aniston? She's made a video that has turned into a virus... I mean, gone viral: http://josiesjuice.blogspot.com/2011/03/jennifer-aniston-sex-tape-smart-water.html

She drew on all the elements of viral success: dancing babies, animals, lip-synching... and a kick to the nuts.

The person who got that coveted role was Brad Wollack, one of the comedians on the Chelsea Lately 'round table'.

And after the taping of one of the Sydney show tapings (see:http://josiesjuice.blogspot.com/2011/03/rihanna-on-chelsea-lately-sydney-show.html) I cornered him and asked him, well... how his balls were feeling. As you do.

Brad explained to me how the whole thing came together.

"What they do is, they place this thing in your pants. Seriously, it's like this whole contraption they use: it’s a long strap, and there's holes on each end, and you put your feet through them and you string up this thing which pulls your pants away from your genitals. And then there's more padding underneath that, so you have a lot of resitance when it's kicked, so you don't feel it so much."

So, he didn't feel a thing?

"Hmmm, after a few takes, it’s does hurt a bit. She felt badly though. And I was like, 'You can do wharever the hell you want, Jen!'"

Even without protection he would have gone there, I ask Brad?

"I woulda done it in two seconds…!" he says with a laugh.

Before he took on the shoot and when the concept was explained, Brad says, "I was like, how does this happen? There were stunt guys who came along and showed me how to do it… it was such fun."

He adds: "Chelsea [Handler] was my agent on my that! She booked me! I got an email from her that said, 'You’re in a commercial with Jen Aniston, this Friday. You’re welcome.'

And that was that. I was suddenly starring in a commercial with Jennifer Aniston!"

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