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Sunday, 6 September 2015

Jarryd Hayne: in San Francisco 49ers' for 2015/16 NFL season

Jarryd Hayne has made the San Francisco 49ers NFL - the grid iron, for non sport aficionados.

Lots of tweets and footage below, but first, how the ex-NRL Parramatta player describes himself on Twitter:

Est:1988 Raised:Southwest of Sydney Employment:San Francisco 49ers #38 Proverbs 27-17 is my verse *(which is this verse: "
Iron sharpeneth iron; So a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend".)

Here is a video from his big news (via The Daily Mail):

And the report on ABC News, with a great report on what this now all means.

A fan has taken the opportunity to make a best of video of Jarryd in his NRL days, which he has on his Twitter page:

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