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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Dolly magazine closes

In shock magazine news just in, Dolly magazine is to close.

Bauer Media has axed the print edition of Dolly only seven months after it went to a bi-monthly print issue, with a tandem mobile focus.

Dolly magazine launched in 1970. In the latest Audit Bureau of Circulation figures, it had a January to June circulation of 30,010.

Nick Chan, CEO at Bauer Media, said in a statement: “Dolly readers predominantly engage with the brand on digital and social platforms and they do so with greater frequency than is possible with a bi-monthly magazine – this means it’s no longer feasible to continue publishing the magazine on a regular basis.

“Dolly has played a part in the lives of many Australians over the years, which is why we’re delighted its outstanding content continues but now, exclusively, on the channels today’s teens prefer to interact with most.”

Full-time staff at the magazine are expected to be offered other positions within Bauer.

Want to grab a copy? The last bi-monthly issue of Dolly, with three collectors covers featuring members of band In Stereo, goes on sale from December 5.

The magazine which launched Dolly Doctor (the place to get all the info you need about periods, boys, sex, etcetera) and THE model comp for young girls who aspired to be models, and the career of the inimitable Lisa Wilkinson (see her moving post below) will be kaput in its current format.

#RIPDolly. A magazine that for 46 years was a bible to so many generations of young Aussie women - including yours truly. I collected every single issue when I was in high school devouring the fashion, the pop stars, the big sisterly advice and of course, the iconic Dolly Doctor. As the old jingle went, Dolly was a girl like me. To then get my first job there was a joy I'll never forget...and I went to on spend seven years there - five of them as editor. It launched the careers of so many - journalists, editors, stylists, graphic designers, and brilliant photographers like @grahamshearer and of course models who have gone on to become household names like @mirandakerr and as you can see here, a very young and at that point, completely unknown, #NicoleKidman. This was July 1983, and the issue was one of our biggest sellers during my time as editor. Such sweet memories. Vale Dolly. So many of us will never forget you. Pic: @grahamshearer Styling: @pashassnaps
A photo posted by Lisa Wilkinson (@lisa_wilkinson) on

Ah, drats! Another iconic Aussie magazine bites the dust.

Here are some of the most memorable Dolly magazine covers. Starting with the Miranda Kerr cover, when she won the Dolly Model of the Year competition in 1997 at age 13.

And more:

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