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Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Britain's Next Top Model 2011 - featuring Elle Macpherson

TV shows which centre on modelling comps - who woulda thought them such a successful recipe for glued-to-the-telly viewing.

The "Next Top Model" franchise - founded by [megalomaniac] Tyra Banks - has seen the comp translated to many countries.

Yes, the Australia's Next Top Model phenom is all Banks's brainchild, and has intro-ed us to the likes of bogan Cassi, bitch-slaps galore... and that botched winner's speech from Sarah Murdoch (ratings bonanza - kerching!)

And now, Britain's Next Top Model makes it Australian TV debut - with supermodel Elle Macpherson at the helm - when it premieres in FOX8’s “Top Model Tuesday” timeslot tonight, January 25 at 7.30pm.

The 45-year-old (you know, "The Body"), will preside over the sixth series of Britain’s hit reality show, in which 25 aspiring models compete for a modelling contract. Aussie Elle will also serve as an executive producer on the series.

In a statement announcing her new role, Macpherson said: "I am really enthusiastic and motivated to work with the team of Britain's Next Top Model.

"We are looking forward to finding the face that can represent the next generation."

Casting their critical eye over the contestants’ progress, and making and breaking dreams along the way, are a fresh panel of judges – acclaimed designer Julien Macdonald, celebrated stylist Grace Woodward and leading male model Charley Speed.

In a first for the British version, during the live finale the judges will put the deciding vote into the hands of the viewers who will select the model they think deserves to win the top fashion prize (just make sure you get 'fed' the right winner there, 'kay?).

The winner will walk away with a contract with Models 1, a cover spread with Company and a campaign with Revlon.

Britain's Next Top Model Premieres tonight, Tuesday January 25 at 7.30pm on FOX8, and will screen every Tuesday at 7.30pm.

1 comment:

  1. your vocabulary and concentration. There will be hours of entertainment as there are limitless combinations!
