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Monday, 29 February 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio Wins First Oscar: VIDEO

The world (not all of the world, you understand, buy a world which I am interested in today) is SO looking forward to Leonardo DiCaprio winning his FIRST OSCAR, goddammit.

This article sums ups how we feel right now:

Leonardo DiCaprio is going to win his first Academy Award on Sunday night. You might as well get used to that, because it's going to happen. It's not like he ate raw liver and slept inside a horse carcass for fun, right?
The Revenant is like a big middle finger to the Academy. When you're willing to debase yourself to this extent — and act so hard while you're doing it — you pretty much can't lose. Expect Leo's acceptance speech to go something like this: "I have literally crawled through the muck on hands and knees for you people. F*ck off."

Here is THE speech, the Leo speech we have ALL been waiting for, imagine, dreaming about... sigh:

And his Tweet about his victory:

And.. here is the video game where Leo is chasing an Oscar. YES, really. Try it... we did!

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