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Friday, 6 May 2011

Katy Perry: Vanity Fair, June 2011

Katy Perry is looking be-yond va-va-voom on the cover of the June 2011 issue of US Vanity Fair.

She talks to contributing editor Lisa Robinson on her marriage to Russell Brand, saying there is “never a dull moment” and that Brand has “never lied to me once. I trust him; there’s just a level of trust that we’ve built up.”

“The press is just not your friend when it comes to a marriage,” Perry explains of her need for privacy. “That’s why we didn’t sell the pictures of our wedding, and we got offered millions of dollars for them, millions.”

She adds: “I don’t care what people say about my relationship; I don’t care what they say about my boobs. People are buying my songs; I have a sold-out tour. I’m getting incredible feedback from my music.

“I don’t take anything for granted. There are 500 other girls right behind me. And I know that, because I was one of them. I remember what it’s like to be someone who’s always trying to get there - sending out tons of e-mails… trying to connect with some person who could connect me with some other person. And I wouldn’t be working at this pace now if I didn’t truly know that fame is fleeting.”

“If the core, the honesty, my story, isn’t working, then all those bells and whistles aren’t going to work, either,” she says of staying focused on her music. “Sometimes I can be distracted by the glamour and the fabulousness. But my husband always reminds me to keep the core intact… I just think I have to appreciate every day, every opportunity, work hard, and continue to evolve as an artist. I already know my future evolution, where I’m going to go. I mean, I’m touring in fucking Indonesia, for crying out loud.”

The June issue of Vanity Fair is out now and will also be available on iPad on Tuesday, May 10. For more, see: http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2011/05/katy-perry-on-her-religious-childhood-her-career-and-her-marriage-to-russell-brand.html

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