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Monday, 23 May 2011

Oprah's Last Shows. Ever. Sniff.

You've heard the hype, read the headlines... now the Big O, the most powerful woman in the world apart from God (ha!) is signing off once and for all.

Who was your favourite guest? What was your favourite moment? How has The Oprah Winfrey Show filled the void, entertained, educated you?

I recall when I first started working fron home years ago, I'd always make time for that 1pm weekday time slot to watch Oprah over lunch.

In recent years, I simply set my Foxtel IQ, record each show, and see if it is of interest, worth an hour of my busy day. Often, it certainly is. I want to learn, be moved, get something from it or there is no point. And Oprah delivers. Daily.

Oprah's topics have certainly inspired many stories I have written for Australian magazines. When I scored an interview with her Aussie hoarding expert Peter Walsh some years ago, it was actually one of my career interview highlights.

How will you feel when Lady O signs off? Will you have the much talked about 'Empty Oprah Syndrome'? Or will you find something else to entertain, to fill that gap?

Here is one of the last of her video diaries:

What will you miss most about Oprah Winfrey?

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