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Saturday, 20 April 2013

Boston bomber suspect shooting updates: VIDEOS

The goings on at Boston overnight have been utterly breathtaking to wake up to.

Breaking: second suspect said to be caught and shot.

Backgrounder: the suspects are believed to be responsible for death of three, and the injuries of 180 others in the Boston marathon bombings.

They've been named as two brothers - Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokar Tsarnaev - from Chechnya, which is a known centre of terrorism. They have both been in the US for more than ten years.

Since the bombings, a police officer has been shot dead in an incident at Boston's MIT university - this is said to be connected to the bombing suspects, who reportedly robbed a 7Eleven store, and shot dead the 26 year old security guard - named as Sean Collier - who had responded to the call.

Then, a late night police chase started with the suspects stealing a car and driving it through the streets of Watertown. The chase saw one bomber suspect dead [Tamerlan Tsarnaev], killed in a shootout with police who say the suspects threw a grenade and five pipe bombs from their moving car.

Denham Hitchcock from Nine News in Australia [reporting brilliantly from Boston] has reported the suspect who was driving ran over his just-shot brother.

This is what the father of the suspects has said:

The uncle of the suspects - Ruslan Tsarni - reacts angrily and emotionally to the shooting [clip below].

He has urged the remaining suspect to turn himself in, saying his family is “ashamed’ to be related to the brothers. “Yes, I am ashamed,” he told the press. “The are children of my brother.”

“I say what I think was behind it – being losers. Not being able to settle themselves. And thereby just hating everyone who did,” he said.

“I say Dzhokar, if you’re alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness – from the victims and from the injured.”

And the original footage of the bombing:

Sad, sad, deeply sad.


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