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Monday 18 February 2013

Kate Moss: new face of Kérastase

Kate Moss is unstoppable when it comes to beauty brand endorsements.

In beauty news just in, Kérastase has just announced that universal fashion icon Kate Moss will be their new muse and face of the brand in 2013.

Kate will act as the first ever 'inspirational muse' for Kérastase, aiming to embody the 'essence' of this luxury hair care brand.

Along with her friend and internationally revered session stylist Luigi Murenu, and shot by photographer Solve Sundbo, the results are breathtaking.

Murenu of course used Kérastase products to perfect the Kérastase vision in Kate; the result: glamzon locks to match the uber-model herself.

The beauty alignment marks an new millestone for Kérastase. See the glamourous behind the scenes clip here:

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