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Friday, 1 February 2013

Pop-Up Swap Shop

Do you have ten items of clothing in your office you want to get rid of?

How about swapping those with ten pieces you'll love and wear?

Well - it's all too easy – grab a spare $20 and 10 items of clothes in your wardrobe you never wear (be honest!). Throw them in a bag and turn up to the Pop-Up Swap Shop, anytime between 9am and 12pm to drop them off.

Come back at 2pm to grab 10 new/old items that you love and walk away knowing you have done your bit for charity and in promoting sustainable fashion.

Set up by Girl PR, the clothes swapping (aka 'swishing') event on February 2 in the PR showroom, in William Street, Paddington.

There will be refreshments and cupcakes and lots of fabulous women and… clothes!

Money raised will be donated to Kidney Health Australia.

Invite one, invite all! On tomorrow... and every month!

For more, click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/411325272279889/?fref=ts

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