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Monday, 30 May 2016

Chewbacca Mother: Candace Payne VIDEOS


Mostly, because I am a HUGE fan of laughing at my own jokes. And her laugh is KILLER!

Candace Payne is the 'Chewbacca Mom/Mum' - and here is why...


This video of Candace laughing hysterically while wearing the 'Star Wars' mask got well over 100 million views after being uploaded to her page earlier this month.
The mum-of-two, 37, spontaneously purchased the Wookie mask while returning some items to a local branch of department store Kohl’s in the US... laughed her head off while trying it on. She's my spirit animal.
She then found herself inundated with Star Wars related gifts from the department store.
They gave the mum Chewie masks for her family, as well as a bumper set of store gift cards worth $US2500 ($3460) for the free PR.
Kohl’s shared a video on their Twitter account of her being presented with a heap of Star Wars merchandise along with her two kids, who were excited to receive the goods from the store. Go them!
She says in the vid: “It’s the simple joys in life,” the stay-at-home mother wrote in her Facebook post, which was filmed in the store’s car park.

And then... this:

Then... a post on Facebook Live. They must LOVE HER. Watch that HERE.

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