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Sunday, 8 May 2016

Gold Logie Winner 2016: Waleed Aly

The Gold Logie winner for 2016 is...

From the TV Week website:

The Project
Name: Waleed Aly

Character: Waleed Aly

Program: The Project

Network: Channel 10

Waleed Aly (The Project, Network Ten)
Here is just some of what got him there:

Plus THIS and THIS and THIS one on ISIL.

Accepting the Gold Logie, he said: "do not adjust your sets."

On his fellow nominees, Waleed Aly added: "if you step back and look at all these pieces assembling, it's a truly beautiful mosaic, and we should be celebrating that."

"In no way do I feel like I deserve to be here more than any of you."

He talked at length about his wife Susan Carland, and thanked his team on 'The Project', and co-host Carrie Bickmore, before relaying the story of Mustafa - a media worker who told Waleed he couldn't work in the industry without a name change:

"You deserve more numerous and more worthy avatars than that."


"If tonight means anything, the Australian public, our audience, there's absolutely no reason they can't change."

His fellow Gold Logie nominees were: Carrie Bickmore, Grant Denyer, Scott Cam, Essie Davis, and Lee Lin Chin, the public fave! Who knows what 2017 will bring...? We think... and yes we are calling it EARLY, it will be 
Lee Lin Chin.

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