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Saturday, 9 July 2016

Spice Girls ' Wannabe' 20 years: #WhatIReallyReallyWant... The Global Goals: VIDEO

This. Twenty years ago... 'Wannabe'. Do you recall where you were? What you were doing? Not the actual day, of course. But that year, 1996. That month, July. I do. Dating someone I didn't end up marrying. A new job. Saving for my next trip to Europe. And hearing these lyrics for the first time, and thinking: "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends." What on EARTH does this mean? "Get with" in my era (man, I am old) meant kiss, pash, get to first base. See, told you I'm old.

I repeated those lyrics to said boyfriend. Told him they annoyed me. He repeated them whenever he wanted to humour me. See? A lasting memory about 'Wannabe'. What's yours?

Now, the video has been given a major makeover, calling for an end to violence against women ahead of a United Nations meeting in September.

The campaign was made by Global Goals, and it's a tribute video of the iconic 1996 hit.

And those lyrics, sung by Baby, Ginger, Posh, Scary and Sporty Spice?

Well, it's meant to be telling all future lovers that before any “zigazigah” where they “gotta get with their friends”, it simply means that to be friends with them back in the Nineties it was friends before boys. Here is the video:

And, the original:

Where does the original song, time and place take you?

More about the new video version, according to the YouTube description:

Using the #WhatIReallyReallyWant hashtag, share a photo of yourself holding up what YOU really, really want for girls and women…

In 2015 world leaders promised to put girls and women first when they signed up to the Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, fix climate change and tackle inequalities.
Girls and women are disproportionately affected by these challenges and are key to building resilient communities to withstand them.

That’s why we need to ensure World Leaders and the Secretary General of the United Nations listen to the voices of girls and women and put them first in policies and plans.
2016 is our chance to use our collective power and tell world leaders what we really really want for girls and women.

If you make the noise, we’ll get your message to world leaders at the UN in September.
The Global Goals will only ever be achieved if governments, businesses, communities and YOU invest in girls and women.
JOIN THE MOVEMENT: http://www.globalgoals.org/join-the-movement-girls/

They encourage us to:

Using the #WhatIReallyReallyWant hashtag, share a photo of yourself holding up what YOU really, really want for girls and women…

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