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Saturday, 3 May 2014

Tre Dallas: Gina Liano's Stylist - 'The Real Housewives of Melbourne': INTERVIEW

Think Gina Liano from 'The Real Housewives of Melbourne', and you'll envisage bright, coordinated, and accessorised to the hilt.

This glittering Gina style is unique and all hers.

But she does have a 'fairy godfather' who works his magic on her every episode, bringing her even more options of fabulousness for us to enjoy. His name is Tre Dallas.

Tre is the fashion stylist seen in episode one of the first season of the show, where he is introduced in a scene bringing a raft of sparkly options to Gina's home. Here he is bringing some selections 

As one of the 'Real Housewives of Melbourne' on the super-hit reality show - a spin-off from the successful US 'Real Housewives' franchise - Gina has surprised many by gathering a slew of supportive fans who now can't remember a time on our TV screens before that bouffant hair, those sequinned numbers, that vibrant makeup, and those acerbic one-liners ("Go combust in a corner" comes to mind…)

In an interview with Josie's Juice, Tre gives us the lowdown on how he styles up Gina, what he thinks of how she has been portrayed on the show, and who else he styles (and what's next for Tre).

First, some photos of Tre and Gina!

Styling up Gina for the 2014 Logie awards

A styling session post-Misson Beach

Tre Dallas interview with Josie's Juice

How long have you been working with Gina, and how did you meet?

I've know Gina for over ten years now and we first met when I was working for MAC Cosmetics. I was drawn to her sense of style, her make up and her hair. Fabulous!

How often do you style Gina, and how involved are you in all her style elements?

Filming the show last year I would have to be on standby for Gina four days a week and at whatever time they filmed. It was long days for everyone who was involved, but it so much fun.

Gina has an amazing sense of style, as you can see on and off the show. Her wardrobe is filled with fabulous things she has collected all over the world. She is stylist heaven.

Gina knows what looks good on her, so she was very easy to work with.

I would give her different looks and options that would look good on camera to make sure she's #housewifeready

How would you describe Gina's style?

Fun, sexy, glamourous.
I love that when we first met you on RHOM, Gina says about you: "He understands glitz, he understands glamour, and we are on the same page. Loving him." How did you get to know Gina's style niche and emulate that for her? Did you change her style somewhat or has she always been adamant about what she wants and who she is

That was so kind for her to say those things… When I watched that I didn't know what to say, it just touched me. She didn't need to say that, especially on air. It was so nice to hear it and that is the kind of woman she is: very caring and loving and she gives credit where credit is due.

I didn't change Gina's style... why would you? Gina does know fashion and she knows what she likes. I just chose options to accentuate what she likes.

I would look for more dresses and accessories for her and bring them over. As you can imagine, Gina doesn't have much spare time to go shopping, working as a barrister, then filming and being a mum.

What has been your experience of 'The Real Housewives of Melbourne'?

I'm so glad that I did it, all thanks to Gina, who gave me this amazing opportunity.

Mostly I was happy but I must say there were times when I did think it was a bit too much. I really felt for Gina when she came back from Mission Beach... How she had to leave because of what happened. It just wasn't nice, especially knowing that Gina was looking forward to the trip. It was very upsetting the way it all turned out.

Overall the my experience has been very positive, and I could not be happier with the outcome of the show.

Who else of note have you worked with?

Last month I worked with the following sexy and talented people: Lindy and Michael KlimBec BramichKiyomi from 'The Voice Australia', and The Voice Australia' 2013 winner Harrison Craig, and #howtwolive sisters.
Tre with Lindy Klim
Styling Bec Bramich
Styling Michala Banas
Styling Harrison Craig from 'The Voice' Australia
Styling 'How Two Live' sisters
Styling Kiyomi from 'The Voice Australia'

What do you have in the pipeline - what's next for you?

Kiyomi from 'The Voice' is launching her first single, #alien, so I'll be working on the video clip. Keep your eyes and ears out for that... It's such a catchy song.

I am also shooting with Mossman clothing. And I'm also working on "Youth Projects", which is a homeless support agency, who will hold their inaugural 'Garage Sale' to raise funds for its new clinic for homeless women.

The Garage Sale, to be held on Saturday May 10, will feature seconds and samples from some of Australia’s best known labels as well as great quality pre-loved designer items.
Funds raised will go towards the Youth Projects women’s clinic, which provides a safe space for women and offers health, psychological and employment services staffed exclusively by women.

My role is getting donations from different brands for the sale. It's nice to be able to help using my contacts from my field for such a good cause. 

You can follow Tre on his social media platforms here:

INSTAGRAM @tredallas
TWITTER @tredallas
FACEBOOK @tredallas

Tune into 'The Real Housewives of Melbourne' reunion special on Sunday May 4 and 
Sunday May 11 from 8.30pm on Arena, on Foxtel Australia.

For a preview clip of the reunion show click here and for LOADS of photos from the reunion, click here.

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