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Monday, 27 February 2012

Oscars Red Carpet 2012 - part one

Here are some of the gowns from the Oscars 2012 red carpet.

Not much is same-same this year - every starlet brings it home with her own original look (the boys? Well, a tux is a tux is a tux, right?).

Standouts from this batch: Kristen Wiig (her gown is a 'nude' ethereal dream); George Clooney's gal Stacy Kiebler in a metallic gold-ish swathed gown; and Emma Stone in varying shades of red (Michelle is wearing 'coral', she said; Emma in deep, verging-on-burgundy red).

For more, see: http://cocoperez.com/

(All images: www.cocoperez.com)

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