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Monday, 13 August 2012

'Housos' Movie: 'Housos Vs Authority'

'Housos' the movie. It's here.

With 'Housos' the movie [titled 'Housos Vs Authority'] picked up by movie giants Paramount, get set to 'larf' all over again at the exaggerated antics of the 'housos' [housing commission community]. Here's the trailer:

For a backgrounder of the TV series, go here:


And here: http://josiesjuice.blogspot.com.au/2011/10/housos-sbs-show-starts-monday-october.html

Will you go see the movie - set for November 1, 2012 release? 

Me - of course I will see it. 

After years of seeing various communities being poked fun at, and being a huge fan of Paul Fenech [and his international 'co-horts' who also go a little too far - Sacha Baron Cohen, et al] it's my kinda off-colour humour.

And I will continue to enjoy current affairs shows package TV ads in a way that makes it all look 'real' and designed to outrage the average 'punter.' Cheeky...

For a fantastic interview with Paul Fenech and Jabba, by Andrew Mercado from TV's 'The Playlist', click here: http://theplaylist.com.au/post/2834

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I CANNOT wait for this un-PC madness!!

    Timmy F, NSW
