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Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Year's Travel Resolution - "Don't Be A Jerk"

Are you travelling a lot this year? Lucky you. How about you quit the attitude?

Okay, obviously I don't know what kind of traveller you are but according to this piece in Huffington Post, there's a good chance you're a nice person in your 'normal' life - and a tad nasty when footloose, fancy-free and on the road.

In an article titled: 'Your New Year's Travel Resolution? Don't Be A Jerk', author Christopher Elliot says:

Here's a New Year's resolution we can probably all agree on: Don't be a jerk when you're on the road.
There's something about travel -- whether you're flying, driving or sailing -- that brings out the jerk in all of us. Like the guy in seat 26B just in front of me right now on a flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles, who is probably a nice guy on the ground. But put him on a plane, and shortly after takeoff, he jams his seat into my knees without so much as an apology.

He then continues:

I've spoken with psychologists about this phenomenon, and they tell me that there's something about travel that just makes us insufferable. It is, they speculate, the fact that when we go somewhere, we are away from the social restraints that make us behave -- our friends, family and community. It could also be the fact that we know we'll never see the people we meet again. So we treat them like props in a movie, as if they are not real.

To read the entire story, click here.

What do you think of this 'phenomenon' - and what are you like as a traveller?

Here is a diagram from the site 'Travelocity' on their 'rudeness poll' - what are you guilty of?

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