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Thursday, 15 September 2016

'The Bachelor': Final Two, 2016

Well, that's it folks!

'The Bachelor' Richie has chosen his final two... did you pick it?

Olena = out.

Alex and Nikki = in.

Here is what went down:

Missed the ep? 

Watch it in FULL here.

Tonight, Richie told Olena he thinks she's not giving him enough to have faith in the relationship.

Funny that!

She's kinda one of three women dating him... on a reality TV show, so... duh!

Richie said:

"I came on this wild ride to find love, and I now know without a doubt I'm gonna find it."


"Saying goodbye to Olena wasn't that difficult, I want to be with a woman who's gonna love me for me, and someone that's gonna see challenges ahead and want to work and overcome them together.


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