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Sunday, 29 August 2010

Exclusive! Grazia Bahrain launch

Since the launch of Grazia Middle East five years ago, it has become the highest-selling fashion magazine in the region.

After five years of distributing Grazia Middle East in Bahrain weekly, it was discovered that the fashion industry in Bahrain was fast developing and therefore required its own exclusive edition.

The brand-spanking new Bahrain edition will be monthly and will carry more pages and feature a more luxurious skew.

Says Kerrie Simon, editor of both editions: "The team that puts Grazia Middle East together every week has also conceptualised, planned and now created Grazia Bahrain for that growing market.

"As the weekly edition goes into every country in the Middle East with the exception of Saudi, we noticed a growing local market in Bahrain. As a result, we've ceased distributing Grazia Middle East in the Kingdom and have created for them their very own piece of the Grazia magic.

"Grazia Bahrain is a monthly magazine, and as such is much heavier in its content. It's not simply an extension of the weekly edition, but an entirely new product. It carries more pages, both international and local features, fashion shoots, celebrity interviews and mind-blowing beauty.

"Grazia is the Kingdom of Bahrain's first international magazine and we're so proud to be expanding on the success of Grazia Middle East and seeing the brand grow so successfully and rapidly within the region."

This piece of magazine gorgeousness will be on-sale from this Tuesday. Save me a copy, Kerrie.

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