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Friday, 13 August 2010

Magazine sales on the decline - not in this house, though!

It's what every publisher fears: a decline in magazine sales. Could it be the end of the glossy? Unlikely. Especially if it's up to me to keep the magazine economy running.

Here is a report from mUmbrella on the state of Australia's magazine sales:

ABCs: Every ACP weekly suffers circulation fall

ACP’s stable of weekly magazines had a grim set of audit results with every one of its weekly titles seeing a sales decline.

Among the horror stories for ACP was gossip title OK which lost 15% of its sales compared to the same time last year and NW, down 12%. Meanwhile, lads’ mag Zoo was down more than 10%, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations numbers for April to June.

Although it also declined, ACP’s Woman’s Day managed to stay just the right side of 400,000 sales.

Pacific Magazines’ Famous was the only title to see a significant increase – up by nearly 10%.

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