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Monday, 23 August 2010

Peep Toe shoes... well, hello!

I have been toying with buying a pair of Peep Toe shoes for a while. No, I am not behind the eight ball on shoes, it's just that having my twins a couple of years ago has rendered me incapable of teetering in a pair of sky-high heels.

Well, that changed last week. I confidently tried on a pair and after the initial shock of being several inches taller (and squishing my out-of-practice foot into a seemingly too-small pair) I was smitten.

The store assistant assured me the Peeps stretch, almost instantly. And as I did laps around the store, I soon saw she was right. They moulded and hugged my foot right before my eyes. I am going back next week and investing in my first pair of Peep Toes.

I started my love affair the week before, snapping up a Peep Toe belt - a perfect replica of Carrie's black studded number she wore in the first Sex & The City movie with almost every dress - and was sold on the brand's appeal of translating trends quickly with good quality wares.

I am now on the hunt for my first pair of Peeptoe Shoes. These ones above will match my new belt perfectly, and hellooo: they are on-sale for $80, down from $279. This fantastic, never-before-seen sale is on right now... but ends today at 5pm. Online only.

But my newfound loves are the killer pair I tried on the other day at my local boutique. The two-toned cream and black number with serious bite, pictured above. And I know the brand is just about to release the new season range this Wednesday. Will be nothing short of breathtaking, no doubt. I look forward to showing you what's on offer.

My aim is to document how I fare my with new babies on a night out: what we get up to, any possible mishaps (beware of stairs, I am guessing), and how the night ends with nu-shoes.

Stay tooned!

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