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Friday, 14 October 2011

Adam Levine and Anne Vyalitsyna: naked in Vogue Russia

Adam Levine - from Maroon 5 (see his latest song clip 'Moves Like Jagger' here... the clip is very clever) appears with girlfriend, Russian model Anne Vyalitsyna on the November 2011 cover of Vogue Russia.

For more, see: http://www.vogue.ru/

And here is the clip:


  1. I don't know who's hotter...Adam or Anne?! Would have to be one of the best Vogue covers of all time...love it!

  2. Isn't it divine? They make quite a beautiful couple, yes? x

  3. They make a GORGEOUS couple...I might even be a little bit envious! Would you believe 3 FB "friends" deleted me after I shared these images, along with the link to this post?! I can't believe people actually find this offensive...it's love in it's raw form...it's real & the fact that their hot is a bonus xx

  4. Oh no! Guilty of my own pet hate...*they're!
