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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

'Bully': the movie - Australian screen dates, trailer, clips, and Sydney Film Festival screening

The movie 'Bully' is incredibly moving for myriad reasons.

I was lucky enough to be one of the first reviewers in Australia to see the much-talked about American film at a private screening. It promises to be equally massive in Australia when it is released here on August  23, 2012. It can't not be: the film's message is exceptionally powerful.

Right from the beginning, 'Bully' proved to be a thought-provoking, tear-jerking documentary, and it raised plenty of issues. This film was never going to be just about bullying. It's about school responsibility, parent accountability, gay bullying, and so much more.

The couple who anchor the movie are David and Tina Long, whose son hanged himself after excessive bullying at school. To say the opening scenes are devastating is an understatement. The movie is not graphic [its rating changed in the US, from rated R for language, to rated PG-13] but it doesn't need to be. 

Here is the official Australian trailer for 'Bully':

Here is some of the opening scene:

Another focus in the film is young adult gay bullying; I am very pleased this was addressed as I firmly believe this is where the hatred towards the homosexual community starts: at school.

This one makes for uncomfortable viewing; Alex's mum asks how he feels when he is bullied:

This clip - where a teacher attempts to mediate - upset me greatly. My mouth was agape:

And this scene - a key one in the movie - shows what happens to Alex when he is bullied on the bus. What happens afterwards goes on to shape Alex's experience of school:

For an earlier write up on the film, including a very moving clip where Ellen speaks to David and Tina Long - go here: http://josiesjuice.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/bully-movie-including-ellen-clip.html

And if you want to catch an early release screening of the moving, you can see it tonight as part of the Sydney Film Festival [SFF], at 8.45pm at Event Cinemas George Street, Sydney. Be quick.

For more flicks during the SFF, click here:

For more on the movie, go here: http://thebullyproject.com/#


  1. This looks incredible... I will not miss it!

    Director Lee Hirsch - you are exceptional.


  2. Truly un-missable... every school kid should see this.

    JH, VIC

  3. Oh did I cry when I watched all these clips, above. Will be seeing this for sure when it's release. And yes, mandatory viewing for ALL schoolkids... and everyone, really. Thanks for posting, Josie.

    Peter H

  4. JUST watched story on Sunday Night on 7... broke my heart. Will def be seeing this. Thanks Josie. Kay, NSW

  5. Is it by any chance being played at an cinemas in south east queensland?
