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Monday, 18 June 2012

'Hysteria': That Vibrator Movie. Maggie Gyllenhaal Jimmy Fallon interview

The movie 'Hysteria' - about the invention of vibrators in Victorian England [yup] - is set to, er, get tongues wagging when it is released. Australian release date is July 12.

Here is Maggie Gyllenhaal discussing the film with Jimmy Fallon [last few mins of this clip]. It's fun to see Jimmy Fallon a bit mortified:

And here is the trailer:

Will you go see it?

Movie review coming soon...


  1. Really can't wait to see this!

    Hmmm, do I take my partner or my friends?


  2. Nice information presented in the post.

  3. Terese, I say you take your friends first... you will laugh, you will feel a bit awkward - then you will love it! Then: go and pounce on your partner [and take him for a second viewing...]. Let me know what you think of the movie... x

  4. Nice post and amazing video. transvestite
