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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

The Conversation: Jane Fonda, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Silverman, Zoe Saldana

I can't get enough of this US TV show 'The Conversation'. The pearls of wisdom come thick and fast from four incredible women each and every episode, hosted by the engaging Amanda De Cadanet [and exec produced by Demi Moore].

In this one, Jane Fonda talks about growing throughout her marriages. Gwyneth Paltrow blows me away with her thoughts on her father, to whom she was very close [Her interview starts at around 9min 30 sec].

At around 17 mins, Gwyneth talks about judgement between women. Powerful stuff. Next comes comedienne Sarah Silverman at around the 20 minute mark. She talks about how women let their true selves go in the midst of a relationship. And lastly, Zoe Saldana shares her thoughts on body shapes [from 27 minute mark]. She says "titties" a lot. She's brilliant.

Please watch - it's kinda life-changing. Oh, and at the 35 minute mark the ad hoc questions are excellent [from "what do you lie about?" to "what is your favourite sex position?"]

The Conversation by GwynethPaltrowcombr

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