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Thursday, 26 July 2012

1990s - the fashion, trends, music, the madness

The 1990s.

Often overlooked for the brash 1980s, and the trashtastic 1970s, and somehow a bit of a blur for many as we stormed into the 'noughties.'

But no. The 1990s. Holds such a dear place in my heart. 1990 was my first year of uni. My first boyfriend. [Yes, I was 18. No, I was terrified of dating before that. Yes, I made up for it that decade...]. And yet, it was full of tears and heartbreak for me. Oh, if only I could pull the 18-28 year old aside and say hey, it's gonna be fine. All will work out as it's meant to.

The 1990s also means fashion... with a distinct twist.

Chambray shirts and double denim [I saved to buy the $99 chambray shirt from Country Road - and wore it with pride with Levis 501, and Doc Martens]. Floral and denim. White tees and denim. Grunge. Diffuser-dried curls. Beige brown matte lipstick. Orange-y, beige-y shades of eyeshadow.

Sometimes, I'd wear a white, tight tshirt with my high-waisted Levis. And sometimes, I'd add my spiffy, cinced-in black blazer.

If I was feeling super cool, I'd don my dear Dad's braces. But never like Tiffani Amber Thiessen:

And then there's this:

And the 'icons' - in TV and music and more models - of the era:

And the 1990s also meant the herald of the supermodel. That term - used on everyone these days - was reserved for a select few. The originals were: Claudia Schiffer, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, and... be still my heart: Cindy Crawford.

To say I was Cindy obsessed was an understatement. Here are a few of the pics which plastered my walls:

And here are all the supermodels, with the 1990s king of fashion, the late Gianni Versace - with a slew of newer 'supers':

[I still have this issue, above... and the Richard Gere/Cindy Crawford one].

And the music, ah... 1990s music!

The inspiration behind this blog post is for a party I'm attending tonight for Australian PR firm, Maxted Thomas PR. They were founded 20 years ago today - in 1992 - and the very clever invite included some KILLER 1990s songs.

Here are some of their well-chosen tracks:

Hanson and those haircuts:

The pioneer of auto-tune... although this almost doesn't sound like Cher:

The eff-you anthem for women everywhere, by Alanis Morissette:

Those cheeky Spice Girls with their first hit:

Kriss Kross - Jump!

Vogue-ing was in, thanks to Madonna:

Britney's first hit:

TLC gals chasing Waterfalls:

I heart Backstreet Boys:

Coolio. I was 23, and that line "I'm 23, never will I live to see 24" scared me:

Salt 'n' Pepa - I wanted a man like this!

What are your fondest memories of the decade? Share!


  1. Now THAT was a trip! Loved it...

  2. I wanna go this party if THAT kinda music is playing... ;)

    GG, NSW

  3. Ohhhh, you too? I was, am, always will be... obsessed! Although as a 20-something, at the height of supermodel-dom, it was outta control x

  4. Thanks for that!! Totally took me back to the decade...

    Sue, WA
