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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings': Season Two - On Foxtel

Did you immerse yourself in the guilty pleasure that was the first season of 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings'?

Well... finally: season two is here!

Here is a sneak peek:

Very... unique, eh?Feast your eyes on the fashion sense that is so typically 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings'. It's kinda gobsmacking:

Picking up where the hugely successful first series left off, the new series follows the extraordinary rite-of-passage events – including weddings, communions and christenings – and offers a window into the world of the gypsy and traveler community.

This brand-spanking new, highly anticipated second series of 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings' gives a visually entertaining portrait of the lives of gypsies and travellers in Britain today.

The Australian premiere of 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings' starts on Monday 13 August at 9.30pm, and will screen Mondays at 9.30pm on LifeStyle YOU, available on FOXTEL and AUSTAR.

Missed season one? Here's your mini catch-up: http://josiesjuice.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/my-big-fat-gypsy-wedding-oh-em-gee.html


  1. CANNOT. WAIT. Thank you, Foxtel!

    GG x

  2. Oh my, they seem a tad toned down from season 1! Could it be possible...? Bree, SA

  3. Bring it! Love this show...

    jenny b, vic

  4. Can't wait for this tonight!!


  5. OHHHH, I am LOVING this so far! Worth the wait, Foxtel!

    Tina G.
