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Sunday, 15 July 2012

Second Cheapest Wine: 'College Humor' recommends wine for you

Wondering what kind of wine to bring to a party?

What about which bottle to choose from the wine list at a restaurant?

If you have no clue like I do, then just follow the advice from the fun folks at 'College Humor': choose the second cheapest wine on the list, or at the liquor store. Watch their hilarious interpretation:

What do you do when faced with a vast selection at a restaurant or at the local bottle shop? Would you follow this advice? Share!


  1. Being a lover of wine, I usually go with wines I've enjoyed in the past ... & trust me there's usually been a few of them on the wine list ... If not though I usually go for local wines. Often I'll steer clear of the house wine unless I've had it there before & enjoyed it. Oh God I sound like a lush !!!

  2. Local wines: good call! Yep, house wines: not so much... ;)
