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Monday, 22 October 2012

Jodi Gordon and Braith Anasta: wedding photos - Woman's Day. Plus, interview with Jacob Luppino and Anthony Pittorino: J'Aton

This is the cover of this week's edition of Woman's Day magazine, featuring photos from the wedding of actress Jodi Gordon and rugby league star Braith Anasta:

Josie's Juice is lucky to have access to the designers of Jodi's wedding dress - Jacob Luppino and Anthony Pittorino from J'Aton - to explain all the details behind the gorgeous wedding gown:

How long did it take to make Jodi's dress? We started 6 months before the wedding but all in all it took 300 hours to create from start to finish as it was all beaded and created on the premises here in Australia with a team of 5 people working on the gown.

When did Jodi first contact you and what was it she was specifically looking for Our first consultation was at our good friend Kelly Smythe’s place in Sydney as Kelly is Jodi’s stylist and we have worked very closely with Kelly on numerous clients. From Kelly’s house we then continued at Icebergs as it was an all day/night consultation it was very fun, relaxed and personable as we are all close friends. It’s an incredibly rewarding part of the job when you get to work with mates and we are a great team.

Did she/you have any inspiration? The location was not decided on from the very beginning and this is very important to us when designing a gown as Formality, climate, energy and mood play a very important role when designing a gown.  So initially it was just all about what Jodi’s loves, wants and desires were for her gown/wedding and what she felt suited her body best. The first consultation is pretty much about getting to know the client so with Jodi because we knew her well and her style the first consultation was also a mixture of getting to have a catch up and a drink as we all lead such incredibly busy lives and never get to really see one another. So it was the gang reuniting and getting to enjoy one another’s company but we did a lot of wedding talk in between as we were all so excited that Jodi was getting married, it was so very important to us and such an honour.

What materials were used and how much material (ie, metres, bolts)
Fine silk muslin and organdie with Italian tulle, several French laces and vintage lace.
Swarovski beads as well as vintage beads found on our European travels that were very old and rare finds.

What were the intricate details that made Jodi’s dress so unique and special?
The fact that we meshed together so many different laces and made it look as though it were one. That is something we really specialize in detail and incredibly subtle detail. We will go out of our way to hand sew the tinniest thread or lace detail if we connect and believe in a certain aspect of the designs necessity. It is painstaking and can take forever and is incredibly fine and delicate work but it’s what we are passionate about and it’s justified to us anyway and our clients as they respect and honour the workmanship.

What also made it so special is that we honoured in the dress all the aspects of design that Jodi loved from us and we positioned all the detail and shapes to enhance her body and show off all the bits she loves and soften and mask the bits she doesn’t love as much. We all have parts we love and hate about ourselves and that is what we love about Jodi, she is so real and honest.

We love also the fact that we all were obsessed with the dress being mat and not a sparkly number. It was not Jodi doing red carpet so we didn’t want loud colours and drama it had to be soft romantic and significant and that is what we love about the dress that it had no bling factor to it. The matt made it so sensual and enchanting, she is the Jewell for us her eyes sparkle more than any crystal or diamond as far as we are concerned. So for us it was about showing off her natural beauty and not detracting from that.

The dress for us had to have a sense of simplicity without just being plain and boring as Jodi did all along want a dream dress and not just something she could buy off the rack.

You normally just focus on the bride. This was a big wedding party. What and how did you come up with the bridesmaids’ dresses? It was important to Jodi that her bridesmaids feel a million dollars she wanted them to feel and look spectacular. That is who she is as a person always wanting everyone else in the room to share her joy. We created classic J’Aton French lace sheer all the components Jodi loves in our work and that she would wear.

To see all the pics from the big day, pick up a copy of this week's Woman's Day magazine.

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