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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Rebel Wilson: Jay Leno clip and her early days

Rebel Wilson, the Aussie comedienne/actress who America has fallen in love with, made sure she made her mark during her appearance overnight on Jay Leno's show:

Here are other clips you've seen her in...

From Bridesmaids:

From her early days, in 'Fat Pizza':

UPDATED: Overnight, Rebel has had to defend herself from mean comments about her appearance on Jay Leno's show:

ATTN guys who don't think I'm hot: um, NEWSFLASH! I'm not trying to be hot. I'm just trying to be a good actress and entertain people.

Can you believe it? Someone who is utterly comfy with how she looks and who she is, and is under no illusion she is a supermodel, still gets bullied. Not that anyone should be fair game.

Later, Rebel Tweeted:

Thanks for the love everyone! I try not to read internet blogs etc but wanted to see what people were saying bout PP and saw some mean stuff

And then:

Am now getting back to writing comedy in my sweatpants, doing some general snacking and loving life xoxo

Followed by the ultimate compliment from Lady Gaga herself:

i bet she had no idea I'm a HUGE fans. this is so amazing i peed my pants. Rebel Wilson singing "The Edge of Glory"

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