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Thursday, 15 November 2012

ANEW Clinical Pro Line Corrector Treatment with A-F33: trial by Josie's Juice

I won't lie: some of the perks of my job as editor for 'Josie's Juice' blog is getting my hands on the most fab new skincare developments out there.

So I was be-yond excited when the PR of Avon Australia personally sent me a batch of the most hotly-sought after skincare in the global beauty market right now: ANEW Clinical Pro Line Corrector Treatment with A-F33.

I am week two into the trial and must say: the results are speaking for themselves. Immediately.

Indeed, here's what Avon is reporting:

100% of women showed results on fine lines in just 2 weeks:

Overnight - skin looks more youthful

In 3 days – wrinkles appear naturally reduced

In 2 weeks – Creases appear filled, and the look of fine lines is dramatically reduced.

This latest innovation uses a molecule called A-F33, which helps the skin to stimulate collagen. With the recommended twice daily use under moisturiser, the result is smoother, plumper skin.

Here is what 'A Current Affair' said about this magic cream a few weeks ago:

And what Avon says:

ANEW Clinical Pro Line Corrector Treatment with A-F33 had a waiting list of over 60,000 women in the UK before it even launched - such was the strong faith in the product.

Watch the long list here in Australia when it launches in 2013! Are you willing to be added to a list for the newly-sought-after cream? I would!

For more info, go here: http://www.avon.com.au/PRSuite/clinical_pro_line_corrector_treatment.page

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